The tool for Active Lessons Learned
Lessons Management Hub (LMH) is a web based tool, designed by practitioners to assist and co-ordinate your Lessons Learned program.Step 1 - Get More Details
We can supply detailed documents covering features of LMH, your ability to configure, essential requirements etc.The next step is to get a demo. That is usually done via Webex and we will send you the invitation which can be shared within your organisation to get as many people to the demo as you like.
Using Webex, they can be located anywhere.
Request a demo now
Step 2 - Use our demo site
To those who qualify, we offer the use of our demo site with your own copy of the database.- Add and Progress and search for lessons
- Amend the taxonomy to suit
- Experience the protocols and support of LMH
Step 3 - Approval and Purchase
As a champion of Lessons Learned you may be in a position to approve the purchase. However, it is probable that you will need the agreement of your Information Systems people.We will supply all the detailed technical information, and liase with them by email, telephone, Skype or Webex to cover off these areas.
If you need to get endorsement from other stakeholders, we offer the same liasion to allow your organisation to improve. There are a wealth of success stories from using Lessons Learned effectively.